Avaada Energy,an Independent power producer (IPP) from India recently revealed that it has received a funding of around billion $143.8 million in the ...
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Immense opportunities for India to invest in Africa as the Sourthern African Delvelopment Community has seen a good amount of trade growth since FTA ...
The India-Africa bilateral partnership is augmented by India's resurgence as the fastest growing major economy along with Africa's new economic ...
India is making great diplomatic efforts quietly to fill up the untenanted parts of Africa especially East Africa, to ensure that there is an ...
The country's Biggest carmaker Maruti Suzuki NSE -0.33 % India (MSI) should focus for up to 25 per cent of its production to be exported although it ...
Plastics are the fastest-growing industries in India, experiencing a double-digit growth rate on an average. The industry covers the entire country ...
MoFA State Minister Markos Tekle, stated that, India's friendly relation and engagement with African countries is growing well. Speaking at the ...