Clove Dental is the leading dental network in India with clinics all over the country. It’s a one-stop destination for world-class dental care at affordable prices for patients. Each of clove dental clinics is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, offering treatment for all dental issues, starting from simple teeth whitening to complex maxillofacial surgery
Health & Nutrition based services are provided.
Boolchand Ayurveda is the Ayurvedic hospital in Haryana, India being run by the award winning Ayurveda practitioners Dr. Kushal Saini, BAMS, MD Gold Medalists in Rasa Shastra), Dr. Vikas Naresh, BAMS (Nadi Visheshagya), Dr. Neeru Saini, BAMS (Stri Rog Visheshagya/Gynecologist) and Dr. Pooja Sahni, BDS Surgery).
Pregna International is the renowned hormonal contraceptive and intrauterine device manufacturer and supplier in India. We provide a wide range of women's healthcare products of contraceptive & intrauterine device at competitive price. Visit
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