Revealing key insights driving Indian print and packaging market

The print worth of India is estimated to be USD 27.16 billion in 2016. This, in volumes, translates to 2.174 trillion A4 prints. Growth in print machinery market was sluggish.

According to ‘Print in 2014: A PrintWeek India Survey’, the sheetfed installs halved to 1,188 units in 2013. Our findings indicate that investment in traditional press has slowed down. Meanwhile digital investment, be it toner-based or inkjet technology, has double-digit growth (18% average). CTP systems saw a dip with 200 platesetters being sold in 2013; as against 300 in 2012. Of the 200 machines sold, 60% are UV-CTP systems.

‘Print in 2014: A PrintWeek India Survey’ explores latest challenges and trends in six segments of Indian print industry including books, packaging, labels, digital printing, newspapers and magazines, and OOH.  Based on market research and inputs from industry experts and stake holders, this report contains more than 30 tables, graphs and infographics revealing industry trends and information.

The report identifies the five tier structure of the Indian print industry, looks into consumption patterns of paper and ink, and explores biggest print spenders in India.

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