UAE proves to be a potential market for Indian exports

An apex organization of the government of India, called APEDA, under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, is mandated with the responsibility for Promotion and Development of the export of various agro products. India is the largest producers of food in the world and has an outstanding competitive strength in food processing.

Plentiful sunshine, variable soil texture varied agro-climatic zones - tropical, sub-temperate and temperate, and rainfall ranging from less than 13 cms to 600 cms sets the stage for the production of agricultural products round the year. Thus every economic plant species in the world, ranging from temperate orchard crops like apples to tropical mangoes, thrive and flourish in India. 
Indian export list includes fresh and processed fruits and vegetables, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, pickles, chutneys, guar gum, poultry, meat and dairy products, confectionery, cut flowers, food grains, aromatic plants, Rice (both basmati and Indian long gain) and other Indian delicacies.
The country exports agricultural products to more than 80 countries globally. Agro products export for the year 2015-16 was to the tune of USD 16195.61 Million. 
Subsequent to liberalization of trade, fiscal and industrial policies in last 25 years, the economic environment in India is very conducive now, for making investment in food processing.
Several globally recognized names in the food world viz. Nestle, Kellog's, Mc Donald's, Dominos, Cadburys, Seagram, Perfetti Van Melle, Heinz, Coke and Pepsi have established large scale production bases in India serving domestic markets as well as exporting their products to other countries.
UAE market is growing to be an extremely potential market for Indian food products i.e., basmati rice, fresh fruits and vegetables, non-basmati rice, buffalo meat, alcoholic beverages, sheep and goat meat etc. The export to the UAE market for the year 2015-16 was USD 1371 million.
The global demand for safe food has resulted in preference for organically grown food. To address the concerns about food safety and traceability in food products, growers, processors and exporters in India have established backward linkages for effective monitoring of the procurement of raw materials.

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