Admark launches Aethra 512i

Pune-based Admark Digitech, the trader of China-made wide-format printers and manufacturer of laser cutting and channel bending machines launched a machine, Aethra 512i, which is equipped with new Konica A8 KM 521i/30 PL printing heads and can print 2,400 sq/ft an hour.

The 10-ft printer can print on most substrates like canvas, vinyl, flex and others.
“We have launched this machine in the beginning of the year and sold 45 machines in last eight months. We are getting good responses from southern part of the country. Now, we are exploring the northern market,” S Zaib Inamdar, marketing head, Admark Digitech, said.
The company has so far sold 2,500 Aethra machines.

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