Flipkart on Tuesday announced the launch of 'Flipkart Global', a programme that enables Indian sellers to export their products to buyers around the world. The e-commerce site will use eBay India's export capabilities to help sellers ship their products abroad. This new service ties in with Flipkart's 'Month of Partners', following the company's merger with eBay India earlier this month.
The e-commerce marketplace is leveraging eBay India to connect its 100,000 plus sellers to to over 171 million active eBay customers around the world. Some of the countries include the US, UK, Germany, Canada, and Australia.
The launch of the new offering will mean that existing 25,000 retail export sellers on eBay India will migrate to Flipkart Global and list their products through the platform. While Flipkart customers have access to a wide array of international products available on eBay, international customers of eBay will now have access to unique Indian products from Flipkart sellers. Flipkart in a statement also said that it will be talking to sellers across India over the next 20 days to educate them about the new service and help them take advantage of the programme.
"India has immense export potential and there are many SMEs who have unique products but don't know how to make them available to global buyers. With the launch of Flipkart Global, we're removing traditional growth barriers and giving them a platform to reach out internationally and expand sales," Anil Goteti, Head Marketplace at Flipkart and Head of eBay India, said.
"Besides enabling trade, Flipkart Global will also help generate both direct and indirect employment opportunities, revive the fortunes of many artisans whose products are in huge demand internationally, and bring in much needed foreign exchange for the exchequer."
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