India donates ambulances to children's hospital

The Indian government donated two ambulances equipped with modern medical equipment to the Yangon Children’s Hospital on Saturday.

The ambulances, which cost US$154,600, will be used to enhance the delivery of public health services and transport critical patients.
Dr Su Su Dwe, the hospital’s senior medical superintendent, said the hospital needed to transfer patients daily, as the hospital did not have cardiac surgery or eye, ear, nose and throat, and neurosurgery departments.
“The two new ambulances will be a huge help,” she said.
The hospital already had six ambulances.
In recent years, India committed $7million to upgrade the Yangon Children’s Hospital and Sittwe General Hospital’s diagnostic and essential equipment.
Indian ambassador Vikram Misri said the donations reflected the deep friendship between both countries and underlined the importance of providing healthcare for the wellbeing of the people.
“For any developing nation, human capital is vital. So the health of a country’s human resource is extremely important to its development,” he said.
India is also helping Myanmar in various capacity-building initiatives through training programs for local doctors in medical specialist institutions in India.
The Indian government is also supporting the Women and Children’s Hospital in Monywa through a financial commitment of $2 million.

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