Amazon is looking to dip into India's agriculture market. is taking the initial moves toward breaking into India's out-of-date agriculture industry, in the hopes of securing farm products, which accounts for two-thirds of the country's $1 trillion in yearly retail purchasing.

The Seattle-based colossus has started providing real-time guidance and information via a specialised mobile app to assist farmers in making crop selections and even using machine learning technologies. The concept, dubbed Reactive and Proactive Crop Plans by Amazon, promises to supply growers with cutting-edge technology and information.
Amazon is the latest corporate behemoth looking to benefit from the world's largest yearly fruit and vegetable production. They hope to expand their enterprises by assisting in the modernization of a sector dominated by small farmers who are having difficulty obtaining basic equipment from temperature-controlled warehouses and refrigerated trucks.
Having a consistent supply of fruits, vegetables, and other commodities is seen to be crucial to dominating Indian internet commerce.
"Gaining goodwill at the grassroots level by creating a solid relationship with farmers will enable them acquire dependable, quality food all year at consistent rates," said Arvind Singhal, chairman of retail consultant Technopak Advisors Pvt.
Amazon's mobile app sends out notifications and answers questions about soil, pests, weather, disease, and other crop-related issues, according to a release. Machine learning algorithms for detecting flaws in fruits and vegetables are also available. It will also assist farmers with sorting, grading, and packing vegetables for delivery to Amazon Fresh fulfilment centres.

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