India's Biggest Buff Meat Exporter Gets Govt Award for 'Outstanding Performance'

 Allanasons Pvt Ltd, India’s largest exporter of buffalo meat, got a government award for outstanding export performance. In a context where the government has sought to ban cattle slaughter and cow protectors are creating a nuisance on the streets, that’s a remarkable official recognition of the firm’s performance.

Allanasons won a diamond trophy handed out by the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), the Commerce Ministry’s apex body for agri-exports. In a press release APEDA said that the company got the award for “outstanding export performance and overall contribution in food sector” for the years 2014-15 and 2015-16.
Fauzan Alavi, a Director with Allanasons, said that in both years the company exported around Rs 10,000 crore of buffalo meat. Total exports are around Rs 25,700 crore, which means that Allanasons exports more than a third of India’s buffalo meat.
Commerce Secretary Rita Teotia said at the awards function that India was the 7th largest exporter of agri-products and that the ministry is taking steps for furthering outward shipments. However, the current strife over beef has resulted in a fall in exports. Exports would have touched $5 billion in the current fiscal (2017-18) but will instead be a billion dollars lower.

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