India to search new markets to boost agri exports

 Commerce Secretary Rita Teaotia said on Monday that while India has emerged as the seventh largest exporter of agri-products globally, opportunities in newer markets have to be searched for further growth.

Ms. Teaotia said Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) of the Ministry of Commerce in association with the concerned line Ministries is addressing issues relating to market access. She said it is important to maintain traceability and accountability in value addition chain.
Goods exports during 2016-17 stood at $276.28 billion, out of which agri exports comprised of $33.38 billion representing 12.08% of the total exports, an official statement said. Exports of food products monitored by APEDA during 2016-17 stood at $16.28 billion representing 48.77% of agri exports from the country. Vietnam, UAE, Saudi Arabia, USA, Iran, Iraq and Nepal are the major destinations for export of food products from India. Ms. Teaotia also asked organic goods exporters to certify their products as it helps boost competitiveness in the global markets.

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