Gestamps new hot stamping plant inaugurates in India

 Construction of the new Gestamp facility has been completed which will begin serial production by May 2017

With an investment of Rs 260 crore, Gestamp has set up its first hot stamping plant in Pune which would supply parts to FCA (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles), Ford and Tata Motors. An investment of approximately Rs 260 crore has been done and the company claims to reduce the overall weight of a vehicle by 30 percent using this method. Gestamp has over 70 hot stamping lines globally and the 1,200-tonne hot stamping press incorporates automatic connections for changing tools thermal imagers as well as a monitoring system. Raman Nanda, Country Head and President, Gestamp India said, “We at Gestamp are excited with the launch of Gestamp India’s first hot stamping plant. This launch resonates with our commitment to expand our presence in the Indian market and bring value to the automotive industry through innovative technology. The new hot stamping technology plant will prove to be beneficial in reducing the overall vehicle weight of passenger cars, while enabling OEMs to better adhere to the country’s new crash regulations, emission norms, fuel efficiency mandate and the forthcoming Bharat NCAP.”

Since its introduction in 2008, Gestamp has invested approximately Rs 1,080 crore with an R&D centre that works on reducing the overall weight of the vehicle using the hot stamping technique. The company also works with Volkswagen, Skoda, Renault, Ford, Tata, FCA (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) and Nissan for supplying parts made by hot stamping. The multinational's turnover has increased nine-folds with a turnover of Rs 130 crore in 2008 o Rs 1,040 crore in 2015. According to IHS Global, a research and analyst firm, the Indian automotive sector is the sixth largest market and has been growing at an average rate of 8.7 percent since 2008. This figure is more than double the global growth which is 3.9 percent for the same period.

Gestamp is one of the largest hot stamping manufacturers with over 70 stamping facilities globally with 12 R&D centres and has an employment strength of 34,000 personnel. The company supplies production in the automotive sector for the chassis, body in white and other essential mechanisms. The hot stamping method, while reducing the overall weight of a vehicle, does not compromise on the structural rigidity. This method entails heating sheet metal to a temperature of 900°C, after which it is pressed into a cooled die. When it is 'hot pressed' the metal cools down rapidly and the desired shape is formed.


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