The famous Indian commercial vehicle manufacturer Ashok Leyland on Wednesday received an order of over Rs 350 crore from VRL Logistics, said the company. The order is for its 3123 and 3723 models for 1200 trucks, (600 each).
The MD of Ashok Leyland Mr. Vinod Dasari, said: “VRL Logistics and Ashok Leyland have a long-standing relationship, which surpasses the usual customer, vendor relationship. VRL has, over the years, not only been our customers, but have also worked closely with us in developing new products, which suit various customers.”
“VRL has been one of the most pioneering and enterprising fleet operators in our country. We are proud and thank them for choosing us to be their partners of choice in growth. We are confident, with this fresh order; our relationship has become deeper and stronger.”
The CMD of VRL Mr. Vijay Sankeshwar, said, “Though we are associated with multiple commercial vehicle manufacturers, over 80 per cent of our existing fleet is procured from Ashok Leyland. We have a long standing mutually beneficial business association with Ashok Leyland and acknowledge their reliability, timely technological advancements and extremely pro-active after sale service.”
Further Commenting on the order Mr. Vijay Sankeshwar, said “We also appreciate their personalized attention on all our technical queries and wish to specifically put our appreciation on record with regard to their interaction with even the smallest of their customers, which is reflective of their business culture. We cherish our business with Ashok Leyland and are sure that this order further strengthens our association.”
Ashok Leyland stated that the trucks will come fitted with the latest features and technology. The technologies and advanced features will help VRL to have fewer stop overs, a reduced maintenance time, better effectiveness resulting in better uptime and increased profitability.
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